Friday, November 19, 2010

Tongue Tied

Today I went to a pediatrician to look at my son's tongue-tied tongue and assess if it should be snipped.

The no-nonsense doctor did not have a strong opinion either way so it was upto me.  She was quite willing to do it right there and then which I did not expect.  I decided against it.  He is feeding well and there does not seem to any problems.  My doctor did not seem it necessary and a doctor in the neighbourhood also did not think it was a big deal unless problems present themselves.

Is it just people trying to get to 'normal' as soon as possible?  The pediatrician indicated that is very thin and that it could stretch on its own and that she has never seen any kid who had problems because of having tongue tied.  This thread also made me feel reassured to not 'snip'.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

RESP Providers

My wonderful father in law gave me a cheque for RESP.  We had suggested that that is better than more toys.  So now I have to actually invest the money.

Group RESP are a rip-off and should not even be considered.  So options are:
- self directed RESP (stocks, index funds, bonds)
- RESP Mutual funds (like td mutual funds)

I am leaning to self directed RESP, so far the best price option is QuestTrade.  I have other money with TD Waterhouse, so that one is under consideration.

    QuestTrade: Trading Cost: $4.95 RESP Annual Fee: None Transfer Out Fee: $125 TD Waterhouse: Trading Cost: $9,99 RESP Annual Fee: $50 plus tax if <$25000 Transfer Out Fee: $135

Next step is finding out how much trouble it is to set up a QuestTrade account and actually find investments for the RESP.

The comments here have some good investment suggestions:

May as well

I am researching self directed RESP and I could not find a summary for the latest fees.  Yesterday, I was researching replacing the gas furnace.  I was also researching the best way to teach my 4 year old to read.  I have been starting to dabble in vegan cooking.  I am trying to get back into shape and I always like providing input into naturally childbirth.

I am always researching and there must be so many other moms doing the same.  So I may as well share what I am doing, it is all going into the computer anyway.